Mad Toy 2021
Installation, printed cardboard by A&R Carton, Lund (Variable dimensions)
Home Waits for No One 2021
Clock and metal structure (250 × 250 × 90 cm)
Freedom for Fire 2020
Iron, candles, lightbulbs and cables, 10 lamps and 10 candle holders
Yo tambien soy humo / I am also smoke 2020
16 mm transferred to HD with sound (3m 16s)
Sea Grammar 2015
Looped slide projection, 80 perforated images in carousel with timer, 1 original image (Mediterranean Sea)
La place entre les murs 2017
40 gelatin silver prints, extraction of silver from photographic fixer (Prints 26.7 × 40 cm each, silver 1 × 1 × 1 cm)
America I use your name in vain 2019
16 mm film transferred to HD, black and white, sound (3m 11s)
Desaparecer (To disappear) 2021
Newsprint paper (29 × 42 cm)
We have been called many names 2017
28 plaster casts of the insides of hats and caps collected by the artist from manual labourers in Los Angeles, on wooden plinths
Geometry Is Hope, Geometry Is Fear 2021
Stamp on walls, black and red ink (Variable dimensions)
Tales from the Underworld 2020
49 white matchboxes with dead insects from the Ethnographical Museum, Berlin, displayed on newsprint
Mapa Mundi
37 burned parchment paper (each 35 × 40 cm)
A Line Can Now Be Drawn 2020
Carved wood, 19th-century South American stirrup, electric motor
A Song of Bola de Nieve 1997
HI8 transferred onto HD, sound (2m 38s)
Naufragio en el Mediterráneo (Shipwreck in the Mediterranean) 2017
Arpillera/patchwork (122 × 150 cm)
El adiós (The Farewell) 2006
Arpillera/patchwork (58 × 74 cm)
Mi nombre es Mohamed (My Name Is Mohammed) 2017
Arpillera/patchwork (27 × 26 cm)
Nacimiento (Birth) 2014
Arpillera/patchwork (76 × 103 cm)
Exilio (Exile) 2005
Arpillera/patchwork (103 × 104 cm)